Online Dating

The internet is littered with men flexing their muscles, or demonstrating other random talents that could attract potential mates. Some sites have taken advantage of this, mostly for entertainment purposes. These sites openly display everything from embarrassing photos to extremely sad, desperate, or, of course, perverted pick-up lines.

Antidate, An(n)als of Online Dating, It’s Not A Match, A Bad Case of the Dates, It’s Not OK, OKCupid, and Dating is Terrifying are only a couple of sites that explore the horrific attempts that men, and a hand full of women, have tried to get a date. But why have people made a mockery out of these attempts at dating? Tracy Clark-Flory of thinks it could be based on several reasons. Number one, it may be easier to swallow some of these poorly planned attempts, if daters knew they weren’t the only ones getting these messages. Number two, it could be a self-esteem booster. Online daters may be single, but at least they can be thankful for not dating some of these goons. Reason number three: anxiety may make online dating difficult, so making a joke out of it may be helpful for some online daters.

Online Dating Disasters

1 comment

  1. fuglsang’s avatar

    OK. So I’ll keep my shirt on.

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