
Sarah Palin decided to contribute to the idiotic  “slams” aimed at President Obama. The Gawker‘s Neetzan Zimmerman explained it perfectly: “You didn’t seriously think Sarah Palin was going to sit idly by and let Donald Trump and Ann Coulter troll America without joining in on the fun, did you?”

Palin called on Obama to stop his “shuck and jive shtick”. “Shuck and jive” is an old term that usually referred to slaves or African Americans.  According to Urban Dictionary, “‘Shucking and jiving’ was a tactic of both survival and resistance. A slave, for instance, could say eagerly, ‘Oh, yes, Master,’ and have no real intention to obey. Or an African-American man could pretend to be working hard at a task he was ordered to do, but might put up this pretense only when under observation. Both would be instances of ‘doin’ the old shuck ‘n jive.'”

Palin’s racist comment has landed her in some hot water. With election season coming to an end it is important for readers to be conscious of these comments and think objectively. Comments like these really attest to Palin’s personality and it surprises me that a former V.P. candidate would act like this.

I think this is newsworthy because it is relevant to readers. As I stated earlier comments like these shouldn’t be made by a person who is in the spotlight, let alone someone who could have been a representative of the United States of America.



1 comment

  1. fuglsang’s avatar

    But Palin refuses to admit the connection. Which has been on my mind lately: Why does no one [in public] admit a mistake? Why does no one feel shame? When did admitting a mistake become a sign of weakness?

    Good discussion.

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