I just really like Mac & Cheese

News Comment #10: Poop Study Finds Plastic In Our Bodies


This article grabbed my attention because the title sounded funny, and I am curious about the impacts of using plastic for everything. This article was relevant and of importance, as well as an odd way to discuss the situation. It is relevance because just about everyone is around or uses plastics every day, and it is important because it discusses that it probably has an effect on our health. It was odd because the study was conducted by examining poop.


The audience is anyone who is concerned about health and the environment. It seemed to have a point of view of an observer, reporting the information and facts to us, giving us information about what doctors say. I did not like the lead. I liked the initial first sentences, but it was too long. I think they could have moved the second report lower in the article, or could have summarized it more. I think the author should move the quote “This is the first study of its kind and confirms what we have long suspected….” up to the second paragraph.

1 Comment

  1. fuglsang

    I would agree with your suggestion to move up the quote. A good example of a science story. They do require more explanation and context than the average story.