News Comment 11/04/2020

I thought this article on the presidential race was interesting, but I think the race itself has been a poor example of how we as Americans vote.

Fox Meantions that Trump called Michigan early, which is true. I didn’t like that he called it so early into the election count but I noticed at roughy ~4am 139,000 ballots for Joe Biden were discovered according to twitter, and there have been some graphs circulating that just make me confused. If it’s true, it is mathematically impossible Donald trump didn’t receive those ballots and why is only Twitter covering it?

I think Trump is going to demand a recount and have the Supreme Court look into about everything he can in order to try and get results thrown out.

While I have 0 trust for twitter generally, I think they could potentially be on to something in this situation and even on their calling out of Donald Trump.

This article makes me want to get a tin foil hat and humor the conspiracy theorists, too.

Man, are they taking their sweet time to count votes too.

Am I allowed to make jokes on here? If so, what do ballot counting and Sioux City road construction have in common?

I’ll probably never see the end in my lifetime.