Beauty in the Workplace

In a career a person is hired for the way they look way to often. If a female walks into a job interview for some companies and she is beautiful, it doesn’t matter how qualified she is for the job, she will almost be hired on the spot. I know its not limited to just females but it always seems to be them. You never hear about guys who say they were hired because they were beautiful, only girls. I’m sure it happens with guys though, if two guys were to walk in to their interviews the one who looked better will probably get the job. Thats the problem with jobs now, its all about appeal, not about experience. What needs to happen, is the people doing the interview about need to be blindfolded when the give the interview so that they hire by how the interview went not by how the person looked during the interview.

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One Response to Beauty in the Workplace

  1. Stephanie says:

    I agree with you that this happens to women more often then men. I think your blindfolding idea is a little extreme. If someone is applying for a job that involves a lot of face time with people the employer is going to want someone better looking. Also, an important part of an interview is how you dress. If you went to an interview in your pajamas you would not get hired. The blindfold would hinder the employer’s view of how the potential employee takes care of himself.

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