Trend Story

December 5, 2023

One iconic device that has caught everyone’s attention throughout the years is Iphones. Apple smartphone is not your regular phone its a cultural phenomenon that continues to shape the way we communicate, work, and live.

The iPhone was introduced over a decade ago. it has become more than a communication tool. It is a status symbol. The sleek and minimalistic design of Iphone have become a staple in todays society. People view their Iphones as both functional tools and fashionable accessories. Apple introduces new products every year. they release new groundbreaking features. Iphones are also very reliable they offer a lot of apps to help you with your daily lives. They also have Icloud backup which is a great feature if your phone gets stolen or other reason.

I interviewed three iPhone users first is Chiara Del Rio from Peru. She stated that she has an iPhone “because it is very popular”. She likes it because “The camera quality is better and she likes to be able to Facetime her family back at home without a problem.”

Next was Serenity a sophomore at Morningside. She said “The reason I have an iPhone is because its more reliable than a Samsung” She also stated “The camera quality is better than any Samsung shes had.

Last is Jessica Nyirongo from Africa. She said “I had a samsung growing up until iPhones became popular”She asked for one for Christmas and ever since she’s gotten a new one every year.

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