Yesterday at 5 p.m., a disturbing incident occurred as Richard Brunson, aged 50, reportedly discharged a .22-caliber handgun, resulting in a gunshot wound to his wife, Laurette Kenny Brunson, aged 38. This unfortunate event was triggered by a confrontation, initiated when Mrs. Brunson tossed a plate of wedding macaroni salad. The police were summoned to the scene, but Mr. Brunson had already fled, and his current whereabouts remain unknown. Mrs. Brunson received immediate medical attention and was expeditiously transported to St. Luke’s Hospital, where she is presently in stable condition, according to hospital authorities.

Let’s hear from Walter Corse, a neighbor, as he recalls the incident (sound byte). Additionally, Marilyn Corse, Walter’s mother, shares her perspective on the matter (sound byte).

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