Suzanne Morphew a 49-year-old mother of two was missing since May 2020 and was found last week, says Colorado Bureau of Investigation. May 2021 husband Barry was charged with first-degree murder and other counts. The case was dismissed in April 2022. Despite the discovery authorities have not made an arrest, leaving the community with more questions than answers. Officials have also not released any information on where the body was found during the search.

Chaffee County Sheriff John Spezze was quoted saying “This is a significant development in the case and we hope it brings closure to the family” Morphews attorney stated “Barry has always maintained his innocence. We hope the real perpetrator is found for the sake of justice for Suzanne”

Barry Morphew’s lawyer maintains his innocence, calling for justice for Suzanne. As the investigation continues, the community is left with the reality of this tragic loss.

One Response to “#5 The Unresolved Case of Suzanne Morphew”

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