A black student at Barbers Hill High School spent more than two weeks of in school-suspension for wearing dreadlocks to school. 17 year old George was in tears when he was suspended on Aug. 31. He was initially suspended because his state outlawed racial discrimination based on hairstyles. School officials say his dreadlocks fell below his eye brows and ear lobed which violate the districts dress code.

This incident impacted many students and struck so many debates.

Crown ACT effect sept 1

Law Create Respectful and Open World for natural hair.

Federal version of crown act passed in House of Rep but was not successful in the Senate

One Response to “Student suspended over hairstyle, sparking debate. School insists its a dress code issue, not discrimination. RD”

  1.   fuglsang said:

    I’m not sure what this is, Jesus. If this is the draft to your story I did not see it yesterday. It sort of looks like an outline. Or maybe you posted it before it was done?

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