Mont Belvieu Texas a black student is suspended twice for his hairstyle. Darryl George a Junior at Barber Hill High School was in tears after being suspended not only once but twice due to having twisted dreadlocks.

The same week the state of Texas outlawed racial discrimination based on hairstyles. School officials stated in the article that his dreadlocks fell below his eye brows and ear lobes which violate the districts dress code.

The CROWN act law stands for Creating Respectful and Open World for Natural hair. The bill was passed on March 18, 2022, but did not pass the U.S Senate and is going to be reintroduced during the 2023 legislative session. The law is intended to prohibit racial hair discrimination. The first introduction of the CROWN Act was in 2021 when a biracial 7 year old girl in Michigan had her haircut by a school worker without parental permission. The girls father filed a $1 million lawsuit.

The issue of race-based hair discrimination has struck many debates in the U.S. For black people hairstyles play an important role across the Black diaspora. There hair is a symbol of survival, resistance, and celebration. Not just fashion.

Since Daryrl George was suspended his family moved to a school nearby. After his suspension he stated that “His grades are suffering, which also means he is not able to play football or participate in any extracurriculars” He also said “he was on track to graduate early”, but due to his suspension he was falling behind and would have had to work double to graduate on time. Attorney Allie Booker represents the family stated “The school’s argument doesn’t hold up because length is considered part of a hairstyle, which is protected under the law.” The district defends its dress code and say that the policies are meant to “teach grooming and hygiene, instill discipline, prevent disruption, avoid safety hazards and teach respect for authority.” The family continues to fight.

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