Portrait of myself

1. What does the image get right? Has it captured the “essence” of your personality? ( p.113) How does it do that?

The image does well by showing a focus on my face, and the background is a little blurry; this way, my face stands out more. In the same way, the sunlight adds a good contrast to my face, making there be more shadow on the left side. The image has captured a bit of the essence of my personality because it shows an honest reaction to the beautiful view of the beach. I didn’t smile much, but I think my look expressed amazement and admiration, showing my personality as someone who appreciates the simple things in life, such as the sea. The image captures a bit of this essence because it was taken by accident at the exact moment I was looking at the sea, so it is a natural and improvised portrait, highlighting the expression of my face and my gaze.

2. What does the image get wrong? How could it be fixed?

What the image does wrong is that my face is not well-centered, and there is more space on the right side while I am looking toward the center. Likewise, the background does not seem to be straight. The image could be cropped so that my face is more towards the center, and editing in the background could be done to make it more symmetrical.

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