The guest speaker that was in our class on Tuesday had a lot of good points that showed me a greater connection between pilgrimage and the models we’ve gone over in class throughout the past couple weeks. He talks about the long walk to the pilgrimage, how you need to go to a different place from where you live, meeting people and creating a friendship there, and you return changed as a new person. This relates to the turner model in every step because the turner model begins with leaving your world of convention, creation of anti-structure, communitas, and finally return. Return is what makes a pilgrimage and without it, it can’t be considered one.
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I also enjoyed the speaker we had in class. I liked how he related what we have been talking about in class to the real world. It made it more easier for me to understand how everything fits together and the number of people religion effects all over the world. I think it would be kinda fun if we could have him come to Morningisde for a little while and lead a youth group. The video he showed made it look like they have a lot of fun and still learn a lot too.
It was very interesting listening to the guest speaker in class. He had also personally conducted pilgrimage journeys so made it even more interensting to listen to. According to what he stated, one of the main points of pilgrimage is walking and thus getting tired by physical movement. It is not supposed to be easy and that is why no everybody can do it. The video he showed was also very nice and interesting.
Another thing I took out of his speech that I found interesting was his shell representation and how the lines came closer and closer together as they reached the axis mundi. We could represent those lines as pilgrims and as pilgrims walk closer to the axis mundi, the communitas gets closer as well.
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