Religion – Frazer

I understood Frazer’s point of view on how we have evolved from magic into religion, but my problem with his concept is how we ALL are supposed to move on to science. I understand from a view point today that we use more and more science in everyday life, but I also know that there are people who are very firm in their religion and I know that there are some religions that do not accept most if not all technology. I can understand the majority of us to accept science more easily than others, but how about the Amish for example. So I guess my question is how did he ever think that every person will accept science?

About Kate


One Response to “Religion – Frazer”
  1. Tiffany says:

    I believe Frazer was thinking that eventually, over a long period of time, people will begin to look more into technology rather than religion. I mean, some people still believe in magic. Not everybody will forget about religion all together, it will always remain a topic in our world just as magic is a topic. Religion will take a long time to fade but as you said, technology advancements are huge. As the older generations die and the younger ones, such as us, begin to take over we will all depend on technology more and more and that is what we will teach our children.

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