
This weeks article is over superheroes and how most are exaggerated like (please don’t hate me for this) Superman, Batman, etc. having super strength, unimaginable wealth (which is more than likely spent on weapon/bat-mobile maintenance), and what not. Just like Hollywood superheroes, they are beyond the average man/woman and they always end up saving the day. But, not in the Watchmen which the characters are almost considered the Average Joe, nothing really special about them besides saving the day. The difference between the superheroes we normally see to the one in Watchmen where the superhero isn’t always liked and revered as a mighty god after saving the day.

Furthermore, Watchmen gave the break down of what makes a superhero while answering the one question everyone who ever read a comic book always asks: what if superheroes did exist? Answer to that… we’d be living in a bad place if superheroes started to walk among us. For one, we’d probably have epic wars with every country known to man, even if it’s a little island in the middle of the Pacific. Just imagine, every country would have their own superhero and everyone would think everyone else as a threat and we’d all fight each other. Heck, if that did happen we’d probably cause an apocalypse of mankind, no need to wait for 2012. I’m not even sure if the world would last to Y2k if superheroes existed.

In truth, if the world had superheroes it wouldn’t be so bad… I take that back, it would be bad because we’d be overworking those people with our problems. Probably to the point where therapy and medications would be useless. But, as selfish as we are we still hope for some supercharged hunk or babe to come save our souls every time. Explains why we still have cartoons of Marvel Superheroes and movies of people with supernatural powers or skills like in Electra.

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One Response to Superheroes?

  1. Cade says:

    I see you did end up reading it! Good for you.

    I’m a little curious, what do you think the world would be like if everyone had superpowers, in one form or another? Nothing nearly as dramatic as a Dr. Manhattan, but just… If everyone had something special beyond the standard human model, what would change?

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