JK Rowling Not Ruling Out Another New Harry Potter Book

26 09 2012

Click here for the article.

This week, J.K. Rowling’s first non-Potter centered book, The Casual Vacancy will be available in bookstores everywhere this Thursday. While the world is incredibly excited to see what Rowling has in store for this adult novel, a question burns in the back of many people’s heads. “What about Harry?” In an interview on Wednesday, Rowling said that while she probably won’t write any prequels or sequels to the Harry Potter series, she may write something else centered in her magical world.

This is definitely newsworthy. Rowling is one of the most successful authors of our time. The article not only highlights her new book, it also gives very interesting information about a new younger children’s book and the possibility of another story in the Harry Potter universe. Many people, from children who are currently reading the series, to the diehard fans who grew up with it (now mainly college students and older), to the adults who found that the Harry Potter books are much more complex and engaging than any other work of children’s fiction will be very interested to hear about the possibility of a new book.

I thought that the article was written very well and it made good use of quotations. It covered a lot of subject material in a short amount of space and I would not have done it any differently.



One response to “JK Rowling Not Ruling Out Another New Harry Potter Book”

30 09 2012
  fuglsang (23:00:56) :

Yes, hints at further Potter adventures are definitely newsworthy. It’s also a good way for Rowling to create buzz. At the same time, it has to be hard for her to always be reminded of what she’s done in the past, even while she is trying to move on.