In Class Interview- Favorite Movie

20 09 2012

Colin Higgins, a freshman nursing major at Morningside College, has quite a sense of humor, despite his very serious summer occupation. Higgins drives an ambulance as an EMT during the summers. Though he is very serious on the job, his favorite way to unwind is to watch “Super Troopers,” a hilarious, if not a little crude, comedy.

“Does it have to be appropriate?” asked Higgins with a slight smile when asked about his favorite movie. “Super Troopers” features Jay Chrandeskar, Kevin Hefferman, Steve Lemme, Paul Soter, and Erik Stohlhanske as Vermont State Troopers who get themselves involved in various shenanigans inside and outside of the work environment.

Colin’s work experience from the summer forms a direct contrast to the hilarious escapades of the Troopers. This summer, he   had to keep his cool in various life-threatening situations in order to save lives. On his first day on the job, he was a part of three life flights and a six hour drive to transfer someone from one hospital to another.

Through all of the ups and downs of driving an ambulance, Colin still continues to keep his good humor and smiling personality.



One response to “In Class Interview- Favorite Movie”

24 09 2012
  fuglsang (19:20:55) :

I like the way you lead into this, Hannah. If you look at the first and last paragraphs, what you’ve done is create a frame for the reader to get an idea of what Colin is like. What one visual detail can you give to create a visual image of him?