My America

For those that know me, you would think that sports would dominate my America, and you would be right.

Sunday, the day of…….. Football:

This picture is my typical Sunday, I wake up late, just in time to watch the football games. Notice the orange juice, since I am typically just rolling out of bed. I am watching the Kansas Chiefs game while typing a paper. This normally doesn’t go well for me as I end up mostly watching the game and typically only typing a page or two in the three length of the football game.

Football Over Everything:

The next picture is post election when people were looking at results, but this is a perfect representation of my life. As my roommate is also watching football and clearly paying more attention to the football game. This accurately represents “My America” because clearly politics and the results are important, but not as important as football and betting on football to me. Even my roommate Anthony who is a political science major was caught paying more attention to the football then the results.

Diet or Diabetes:

This next picture accurately represents how I get through most weeks and days. Coffee and Red Bull keep me awake in classes and give me energy at practice. And the frozen pizza shows how I fuel myself on a budget. I often cook frozen pizzas because they are cheap and delicious. The other things more college I could of added to this picture would of been ramen noodles.


This next picture is a picture of a pile of leaves I raked with a Busch Light appropriately found when raking. Busch Light represents cheap beer and another aspect of my life and where I live. Busch Light is a very popular beer among Iowa college students and it is often left around the street and yards from people littering a lot. Another theme among these pictures is laziness. All the pictures are taking within a very close proximity of my house. Laziness is another theme within my life and a lot of “My America.” And these are the picture that I believe accurately represent “My America” very well.

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