News comment
Thursday August 30th 2012, 2:33 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I read an article about an  elderly woman who tired to “fix things up” around the church. The article related the situation to Mr. Bean’s movie where he tries to repair the painting “Whistler’s Mother.” Cecilia Gimenez, the woman who ‘fixed’ the painting, was only trying to help repair the century old masterpiece. But it is pretty hilarious to see the efforts she tired putting in. There was no word if the painting was sent to some sort of center in hopes for being repaired. But the outcome doesn’t seem to likely to be reapired to it’s fullest potential. There is talk of keeping the painting as is and using it as a tourist attraction.  I couldn’t help but smile after I read the article.

Church masterpiece 'restored' as Mr. Bean would do it   Gimenez’s work of art!



I was a bit surprised this story was picked up by so many media last week. It must have struck a chord with people. When you do these comments, include a bit more on why it’s news. Yes, this was humorous, but could there be other reasons why it had so many people taking?

Do you have a photo for your “About me” page?

Comment by    fuglsang 09.03.12 @ 8:06 pm