PRNewswire Analysis

The Salvation Army Calls On Donors To Help Their Neighbors in Need This Giving Tuesday. (This title is absurdly long).

The first thing I have to say is not about just the article but about the website itself, and it is that every single news article sounds so uninteresting, it took me so long to find one which was even slightly of interest… But I digress.

The article itself is… fine… I guess… It doesn’t do anything wrong I suppose, but it also doesn’t help it’s cause, it feels like it’s trying to attract some robots to donate, it just slapped some a bunch of numbers in my face and called it a day, it made no effort whatsoever to make me interested in donating, and what annoys me is that you can do so much, show me an inspiring story of someone that benefited from the salvation army, be creative.

I guess that’s my biggest problem with PR News in general, I don’t care for or have sympathy for big companies at all, they feel alienated from day to day society, and almost every time they make regular news it’s due to some controversy or problem.

This whole newspaper just feels like one big advertisement, and a bunch of rich companies buffing their own egos, talking about things that aren’t interesting at all and ultimately, really boring to read.

In the end I suppose that I’m thankful for the existence of something like the PRNewswire existence, because if I had to read this sort of news on regular newspapers I don’t think I would read them at all.

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