Final Portfolio

By Diego Teixeira Setton

From left to right, Helena and Alice, two of my brazilians friends, pose for a picture on the Chicago Subway.
Maron Guimaraes taking advantage of the weather to practice by himself on a Saturday afternoon.
Students Mathias Constantinou, Enzo Tagliati, Bruno Langeani and Maron Guimaraes getting ready before a saturday afternoon soccer session outside of practice.
A cat and his toaster looking through the window, maybe waiting for something.
A view to nothing, from the last window in the train.
From a train window, leading to somewhere.
A church, towering over some houses.
A woman at her destination, waiting for assistance.
A man and a christmas tree, completely synchronized.
Ferdinando Vinti of the Morningside Ultras cheering and chanting during the GPAC tournament final last semester
A failed attempt at a self-portrait of the three of us, with Helena to the left, Alice to the right, and me a mostly out of frame in the background.
From left to right, Helena, Alice and Catarina, walking ahead of me in the Chicago Suburbs.

Bonus New York Pictures:

The pictures I selected are just the ones I like the most. I think that, besides being good pictures (in my opinion), they wouldn’t necessarily help land a job or anything like that, they’re not very journalistic to be honest. I also don’t enjoy looking at them as an asset that could make an argument on why I should be select for something, I enjoy them as pictures, I think they’re pretty, anything beyond that makes me lose interest.

One thing this course helped me a lot with and I didn’t quite utilize it here is image curation. Throughout the duration of the semester, the many different assignments that we had required me to constantly think about what pictures to use, and when it all culminated on the photo story and having to tell this story just through images, I was really enjoying it. Now even when I’m about to post something on Instagram I think, what order and which pictures should I use? How do I pair them with the single comment I can write? What would be enjoyable to look at and can I make people feel something?

This final portfolio kind of goes against that in my opinion, because there’s not much to just selecting your best pictures. You might try to tell a story, but they’re just so different and varied that it’s difficult to make it work, but that’s okay too.

The course also helped me a lot with understanding the ethics behind taking pictures, I don’t know if for better or for worse, but now I’m at least more sure about what to do when out and about taking photos. It showed me the value of photography as a journalistic medium and as Mass Communication major, it helped clarify when I should or shouldn’t take a picture, is it important to the message I’m trying to transmit or not.

Speaking of what is important or not, this course also required me to look at Morningside itself, what things should I be looking to take a picture on campus? What value does it brings to the class? I think this semester I was more involved with photography than ever, as it even resulted in my final Media Law paper talking about the legality and morals of street photography.

I also got better at using a digital camera believe it or not. I’ve been using a film camera a lot and it helps me to know I have limited shots, so when I take a picture, I really try to make sure I have something interesting so not to waste it. This is fine, but when I tried using a digital camera, it resulted in me not much knowing how to take advantage of the multiple pictures I had, they felt disposable sort to say.

Knowing how to take better photographs is a really important skill nowadays, especially with so many people having access to a camera. In mass communication specifically, it seems more and more being good at many different areas is a requirement, so getting to add photography as a something I can do as well will probably be worthwhile in the foreseeable future.

Basically, this course really helped me get a more concrete look at photography, and to slowly discover my own style, of what I take pictures of, how do I find a shoot, which pictures I select. In the begging, we were asked if we thought of ourselves as photographers, I answered no at time, mentioned I didn’t have enough experience. I still would answer no to that question to be honest, but I sure feel closer to a “yes” after taking the course, and I will keep applying what I learn when I go about taking pictures, that’s for sure.

Photo Story

By Diego Teixeira Setton

A cat and his toaster looking through the window, maybe waiting for something.
From a train window, leading to somewhere.
A view to nothing, from the last window in the train.
A woman at her destination, waiting for assistance.

The story I choose to tell works best with only these four images. I understand that this assignment requires me to show eight total pictures, and I will provide them by the end of this article, but my intended vision is best fit to using only the four photographs above. (The eight final pictures still work great within the theme).

It wasn’t easy to find the word to describe the theme of my curated images; the first thing that came to mind was “nothingness”, and as much as I liked that, it didn’t really fit with the college life proposal this assignment had. After thinking for a bit I decided upon “loneliness”, which in my opinion doesn’t differ much from what I originally had in mind.

I guess the story I intended to show was that of a trip. To where exactly I don’t know, all the sceneries seem to be surrounded by this eerie white void, the images purposefully have this dreamy ambience which make them a little bit discomforting. Who is taking the trip is also up in the air, it could be you, the viewer; it could be the cat or the woman who in a way are looking at each other. But you can’t really say for sure. Maybe they fought, maybe they miss the other, maybe they never even met…

All you know is that they’re one of the few characters in this empty world that seems devoid of people and color, almost as you were there by yourself, you are definitely present but no one seems to notice. If I had to pick a soundtrack for this universe, I would pick “Ditto” by NewJeans.

That’s my view of it, at least, that is what the images represent to me. My feelings towards them are a consequence of my own feelings and state of mind, for other people it might be different, there’s no right or wrong answers when it comes to interpretation. It may differ from the view of the author, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. They are personal to one’s own.

This class really helped me realize what I said in the previous paragraph, from the very start, beginning with the pictures I took in New York during winter break. I would bring in pictures to the professor and he would grade them based on a completely different perspective from what I had in mind.

At first it was really frustrating, because an image that I deemed to be great would be completely tossed aside by Ross, or he would, from my perspective, completely miss the point of it. But with time I realized that’s just the way it is, no two people will ever look at one thing exactly the same, and coming to terms with this really helped me in the way I look at my own photographs. (I can’t stress enough how much it helped me with selecting what to post on Instagram).

As I mentioned before, this class really helped me realize how different people look at the same image. It helped me to think a little bit about; what I wanna show when I start a new film, what are the things I wanna capture, and how can I build a cohesive world with the results that I achieved.

Even if I try to make a mind plan of what I wanna do, I won’t know the vibes of a roll of film until after I developed it, so to me it is really important to learn how to organize what I got based on the results, and not from the moment you click the photo. In our countless ethic discussions, I came to the conclusion that the first thing you need to do is click the button, everything else comes later.

Compared to the assignments that I worked on before, the thing that I believe to have improved the most is just that, cohesion. Especially while working with film, I prefer it when you have to carefully think about every photo you take compared to digital, where you can just shoot away.

I still need to improve on being more shameless when taking pictures of someone; I’m working on that.

Lastly, here is the story curated to include eight photograph, you might find them to be a bit different but the basic idea remains the same.

A view to nothing, from the last window in the train.
From a train window, leading to somewhere.
Some goats and a flock of birds. Maybe they’re going somewhere too.
A church, towering over some houses.
A woman at her destination, waiting for assistance.
A cat and his toaster looking through the window, maybe waiting for something.
A pair of wet shoes. I don’t know who they belong too.
A man and a christmas tree in completely synchronized.

I guess that here the story changes a bit no? Maybe someone is going to meet a friend, overcoming their loneliness…

How My Friends Keep Me Going (Visual Journal)

By Diego Teixeira Setton.

As an international student, it is obvious to say that home is not exactly close. In order for me to see my parents not only is it expensive as it also takes an extensive and tiring plane trip to get back home.

So, as you would imagine, my academic experience can sometimes be a lonely one, as it’s only natural to eventually miss home and the people residing there, especially since the only time I’m able to travel back is during summer break, with all the other breaks consisting of me staying somewhere around the United States.

To me this is 100% part of my academic experience, as even though I’m technically in school, all of the experiences and meetings that I will show here are only possible because of it and wouldn’t have happened otherwise. After all, our breaks are breaks from school, which consequently make them a part of my academic experience, especially since I’m far from home.

Of course, as much as I would like to, I can’t talk about every single friend I have, so Instead I will talk about the two friends I constantly meet in my trips, and will try to not talk about how much I appreciate them, instead I will try to focus on what does meeting them means in regards to my academic experience and how they help me to get through my university years.

From left to right, Helena and Alice, two of my brazilians friends, pose for a picture on the Chicago Subway.

As you might have noticed from the description, their names are Alice and Helena, I’ve known both of them since I was six years old, so that’s at the very least, fourteen years of friendship. We studied together from from the first year of elementary school to the last year of highschool, and when the time came for us to go to college, we all ended up in the same country. Granted, they did go to New York and Chicago, two considerably more interesting places than Sioux City, but it didn’t change the fact that we were all in the same place.

The three of us in New York City, 2022.

By the end of our first semester in 2022 none of us where going back home, so we decide to meet up in New York City, where Helena lives, this would be the first of many amazing trips we would do, all of which would refresh me for a new semester and help me keep going.

The first one we did felt a bit surreal, you always talk about doing crazy trips with your friends but when you’re actually there it takes a while for it to click that you actually did it, It’s not like we were there for a short time either, we stayed for the whole winter break, which equates to almost a month.

Spending time with such long time friends made me feel closer to home, and to in a way, reconnect with the things I missed.

Next, I would go to Chicago to visit Alice. Helena couldn’t come this time due to monetary reasons, but the trip was fun either way. I was there for my whole Spring Break, which meant I was around for Chicago’s St.Patrick’s day, the whole party vibe also made me feel closer to home.

The Chicago River dyed green for St. Patrick’s day celebrations.

We also went to many sporting events, something that I really enjoyed doing when back home.

A soccer match between the Chicago Fire and the New York City FC.

Next up was summer break, and we all went back home, which of course meant we met up again.

Alice, Helena and a couple of other friends in my house during summer break.
Helena, Alice and one other friend in a beach house we went to during our break.

I won’t spend time on summer break since you can’t miss home when you’re there.

Next up is the 2023 winter break, in which we again reunited in New York City.

My two friends during enjoying a nighttime out in New York.

This time however, something else happened, I made a new friend, someone that was completely new and from a completely different culture, to whom I quickly befriended.

Morningside is small, so once you get used to your surroundings and find your friend group is difficult to branch out, which is very different from the big city life I’m used to, where meeting new people can happen at every corner and street.

Making a new friend was extremely refreshing and rejuvenating. I’ll hope I’m able to see her again someday, even though we live far away.

Kim, a south-korean friend I made during my second trip to New York. I am unsure if I’ll ever see her again.

The last trip I did up to this point was a very special one, as we had a special visit all the way from Brazil. Another one of our lifelong friends came all the way to Chicago, Catarina, Whom I’ve known since I was two years old. Due to her visit we decided to travel during easter break instead of the usual spring break trip.

Helena in the left and Catarina in the right, posing for an out of focus picture in the Chicago Subway.

It was weird having someone I completely associate with home in the United States, but I felt like Catarina brought everyone I missed with her, it was really good to see her and we had an amazing time.

From left to right, Helena, Alice and Catarina, walking ahead of me in the Chicago Suburbs.

I know this might be a different attempt to a visual journal to an academic experience, but without the people shown here my academic experience wouldn’t be possible, without their support and company, I would’ve chickened out and traveled back home a long time ago.

I am know finishing my sophomore year, meaning that the half-point of the some of the best experiences of my life are already gone, especially since I plan to do a semester abroad in the beginning of 2025. Because of that, I wanted to talk about how much I appreciate my friends and how thankful I am for these trips.

We plan on meeting again during next semester’s winter break; I hope it works out.

A failed attempt at a self-portrait of the three of us, with Helena to the left, Alice to the right, and me a mostly out of frame in the background.

Sounds Of Morningside

Roadman’s super sensitive Fire Alarm. Also known as student’s worst nightmare.
One of the Morningside’s Campus Security Officers taking a call from the security radio. After a long period of work, many students get traumatized by the sound of an incoming call.
Ferdinando Vinti of the Morningside Ultras cheering and chanting during the GPAC tournament final last semester