TAV? The Alexander Ogorzaly Story

For many men and women, Thursday is just an ordinary day, but for Alexander, Thursday is Thirsty Thursday. In his great home known as Sioux City, there is a bar called Tav on the Ave that many Morningside Students spend their Thursday nights at. They chose to spend their Thursday nights there because they have $6 pitchers of beer. It used to be $5 once upon a time, but inflation. Due to the Pandemic, the demand for beer skyrocketed.

Alexander is a business major who played football at Morningside College for 3 years. During the spring playoff season, Alexander suffered a sever knee injury that kept him out for the remainder of the season. Alexander then made the biggest choice of his life. Football or happiness? Alexander chose happiness and now has all the time in the world for his senior year.

Alexander works at a bar in downtown Sioux City known as Bodega 401. Many of his friends chose to spend their Saturday nights down there because Bodega is arguably the best bar for college students in Sioux City. The Tav shines on Thursdays, but is often forgotten about on the weekends. Alexander should be getting paid by both bars as he brings in the majority of their business. He spreads the word about Thirsty Thursday, and eventually a bunch of students are drinking on a Thursday, not caring about their 8am on Friday. Alexander is a marketing wizard. The sells business to places that he does not even work at. He is a legend to the people and to the bars.