The Blog of Derrick James Freese

News Comment #8
October 20, 2011, 6:28 pm
Filed under: Web Design

In a previous post brought up a conflict about the gaming company Bethesda suing the Indie game developing company Mojang. I felt it was proper to follow up with news on this story.

Currently according to Notch’s twitter the case is going in his favor. In this Kotaku article it shows Notch’s tweet saying they can still call their game “Scrolls.” Bethesda can still appeal the ruling.

This is news because there are many people following this story, almost the entire Minecraft community. It’s nice to see the issue get nearly resolved. I thought it was pretty ridiculous when I heard Bethesda was doing this when it was over one word in a game’s title, especially since the games have nothing to do with each other. Notch even offered to give up the rights to the name “Scrolls” yet Bethesda still sued.

Personally I’m still hoping for that epic Quake match.


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