The Blog of Derrick James Freese

News Critique #6
October 6, 2011, 3:18 pm
Filed under: Journalism

The flooding along the Missouri River has been terrible, and traveling to or from Omaha has been quite the annoyance. The Interstate was closed from Council Bluffs up to the I 680 interchange to Loveland due to this flooding. Now what used to take about an hour and a half now takes over two hours. Without access to I 29 one must take alternate back roads to travel to Missouri Valley, IA or take I 80 up to I 680, then get on I 29.

The Interstate was reopened last Friday. In a story on the KWQC News website officials say the debris has been cleared, the roads washed, and the ground tested to hold traveling vehicles.

I feel this is news to be because I have to take I 29 to get to Sioux City from my home in Treynor. Having to take back roads was a terrible inconvenience, but I guess I got to see some pleasant scenery.

I-29 North from Council Bluffs to Reopen