The Blog of Derrick James Freese

News Comment #8
October 20, 2011, 6:28 pm
Filed under: Web Design

In a previous post brought up a conflict about the gaming company Bethesda suing the Indie game developing company Mojang. I felt it was proper to follow up with news on this story.

Currently according to Notch’s twitter the case is going in his favor. In this Kotaku article it shows Notch’s tweet saying they can still call their game “Scrolls.” Bethesda can still appeal the ruling.

This is news because there are many people following this story, almost the entire Minecraft community. It’s nice to see the issue get nearly resolved. I thought it was pretty ridiculous when I heard Bethesda was doing this when it was over one word in a game’s title, especially since the games have nothing to do with each other. Notch even offered to give up the rights to the name “Scrolls” yet Bethesda still sued.

Personally I’m still hoping for that epic Quake match.


Further readings :

Dave Madsen Story
October 18, 2011, 5:42 am
Filed under: Journalism

Life has a funny way of leading you through life with unexpected happenings. In December of 2008 Dave Madsen lost his job of twenty-nine years at KTIV when his higher-ups decided his position was no longer essential. For Madsen and his family it meant a hard time ahead. After having his job loss published in the newspaper and by knowing many people in Sioux City, it was only a matter of time until he got a phone call about a job.

One of Madsen’s good friends just happened to be the President of Morningside College. Reading his story in the paper, he gave Madsen a call and wanted to meet and talk sometime. With a degree in Journalism and working on his Masters Degree, along with over thirty years of experience in media and broadcasting, Madsen immediately got a job as the Head of the Mass Communications department at Morningside. During the six months between getting the job and actually being able to start, Madsen worked in public relations.

Madsen has taken a long path to get where he is today. He grew up in Omaha and attended Omaha North High School. After that he attended the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, where he majored in Journalism and Chemistry. Needing money he worked as a weekend reporter/photographer at KETV in Omaha, followed by an internship in Kearney, Nebraska. He first got to Sioux City and started working at KMEG where he wrote commercials. After a few years he moved to KTIV as a Studio Manager. After working there for a period of time, Madsen applied for and got the Production Manager job, where he stayed for the remainder of his time at KTIV.

In the article published about Madsen being let go he was discribed at the “heart and soul” of the studio. Madsen said he had “no bad blood with the local people at KTIV.” Madsen doesn’t plan on ever going back to work in TV because he has made a good transition and enjoys teaching at Morningside. He believes moving to Morningside was an opportunity, and said, ” I can see myself spending time here now, I can retire here.”

Today Madsen enjoys being the Head of the Mass Communications Department, as well as teaching his Media Management Passport classes. He hopes to expand upon the radio station KMSC Fusion 93 as well as the television station MCTV. He would like a 5 o’ clock news cast with weekly reports. The problem is getting students together to form this news cast and getting them on the air.

For more reading visit these Blogs:

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News Comment 7
October 13, 2011, 8:10 pm
Filed under: Journalism

I read an old, but relevant article about how starting in 2012 the Bank of America charging $5 a month to use a debit card. The charge will only be applied if the card is used to make a purchase and one can still use an ATM without being charged. Premium account holders won’t be affected by this charge. Banks have been “flirting” with the idea of adding a charge to using debit cards, but the Bank of America is the first major institution to announce the change. The change comes because there is a cap being placed on fees a bank can charge retailers when people use their cards at their stores.

I chose this article because it affects a large amount of peoples lives. I also chose the article because it interested me that a bank would start charging to use your own money to pay for something. I could see this with a credit card where you have to pay that money back anyway, but it seems harsh to make someone pay for debit card use. The article also has a nice structure to it and flows well with good transitions between paragraphs. There were also quotes and statistics in the article to make it more objective.

Link to article:

News Critique #6
October 6, 2011, 3:18 pm
Filed under: Journalism

The flooding along the Missouri River has been terrible, and traveling to or from Omaha has been quite the annoyance. The Interstate was closed from Council Bluffs up to the I 680 interchange to Loveland due to this flooding. Now what used to take about an hour and a half now takes over two hours. Without access to I 29 one must take alternate back roads to travel to Missouri Valley, IA or take I 80 up to I 680, then get on I 29.

The Interstate was reopened last Friday. In a story on the KWQC News website officials say the debris has been cleared, the roads washed, and the ground tested to hold traveling vehicles.

I feel this is news to be because I have to take I 29 to get to Sioux City from my home in Treynor. Having to take back roads was a terrible inconvenience, but I guess I got to see some pleasant scenery.

I-29 North from Council Bluffs to Reopen