The Blog of Derrick James Freese

The Quest for a Nickel
September 29, 2011, 8:23 pm
Filed under: Journalism

There are many people who have the need for some change. No, I’m not talking about change in our country, I am talking about coin change. The annoying flat circular things you get when you break a bill. The things that nearly no college student carries around when walking on campus. While on my adventure I didn’t want to just stop someone and ask them to trade me money, so I went somewhere that I could bother people and they wouldn’t care.

After walking around campus for a bit I decided to go to MacCollin and see if I could find one in the classrooms. When I walked in I was greeted by John Kolbo who asked what I was doing there. I explained that I had to find a nickel from someone I did not know. He told me to go ahead and ask the class if anyone had a nickel. I walked in the classroom and I could instantly feel the many eyes burning on me. I asked, “Does anyone in here happen to have a nickel I could trade?” After a moment of awkward silence one boy with a red shirt and dirty blonde hair responded, “I have a nickel.” I walked over and sat down by him and learned his name was Dan Ostendorf. I explained to him that I had to search for someone with a nickel and trade it with them for my assignment and then write about it. He was very understanding of the situation as I thanked him for the nickel and went on my way.

I love your writing style.
Oh man… I wish my boyfriend would get the message and stop insisting on carrying like $3 in change EVERY DAY.
I’m noticing a trend that everyone seems to have walked into classes to get their things… wish I would have done that!

   Claire Elyse 10.06.11 @ 7:36 pm

Wow, that”s a bit brash, Derrick. I’m not sure many faculty would have been so helpful. I wouldn’t. But I would like to find that place where no one cares. Keep working on the quotes. Did Dan have anything else to say?

   fuglsang 10.09.11 @ 8:41 pm