The Blog of Derrick James Freese

Mr. Gingrich Goes to Morningside
September 22, 2011, 8:09 pm
Filed under: Journalism

Presidential candidate and former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich stopped at Morningside College on Tuesday to talk about his campaign. He met with a room filled with over 100 people mixed with college students and older citizens of the community. This stop on Gingrich’s campaign brought many camera crews and the Morningside radio station KMSC-FM 92.9 that broadcast the event in it’s entirety.

In his stance to replace food stamps with paychecks Gingrich says, “America doesn’t work when Americans aren’t working.” For immigration, Gingrich wants to strengthen border control and make it harder to get in the country illegal than legally. He has a strong stance against abortion.

Gingrich is the the only candidate that has helped balance a budget on a national level. He helped supply side regulations and add new jobs with President Reagen in 1980.

Afterwards, I asked fellow student Chad Morehead what he thought about Gingrich. Morehead, stated that Gingrich has had experience and has a set of plans to follow and that he also wants to implement his plans and not fight over policies.

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