The Blog of Derrick James Freese

Who to Cheer For?
September 8, 2011, 5:32 pm
Filed under: Journalism

Earlier I read an article on the WBUR Boston radio website about the Packers game tonight against the Saints. It was a kind of prediction and who to cheer for article. Basically the article had important points dealing with both teams, but the points didn’t deal too much with the players playing the game so much as it dealt with which team looks more interesting. The article talked about reasons to cheer for each team with statements like, “Do you prefer brats or gumbo?” and, “Which of these faces do you find more compelling?” (showing pictures of both Aaron Rodgers and Drew Brees) Another reason to cheer for the Saints was about his post-game photo of Brees holding his son after winning the Super Bowl two seasons ago. Personally I chose the Packers because that’s how mamma raised me.

This article was interesting in the fact that it was different from other prediction analysts. One thing that i really dislike about sports analysts trying to predict who will win, is that there are so many variables that need to be considered that most of them will overlook. Variables such as unforeseen injuries during the game as well as players that would normally not be playing step up their game and play outstandingly making big plays when they need to. For the most part the article doesn’t go one way or the other, it seems very split in the middle between the two teams which is nice since usually most predictions are completely biased to one side even if the other team clearly looks better to win.

You know, just in general, sports is taken way too seriously. And, yes, commentators can go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about why one team will win. But in the long run, you might as well pick the team with the coolest uniform.

What would you link to so I could get more info?

   fuglsang 09.09.11 @ 4:17 pm