The Blog of Derrick James Freese

Eating Ice Cream In Class
September 1, 2011, 7:36 pm
Filed under: Journalism

In my Journalism class, my teacher gave the class ice cream and told us to write about eating it.  I took the ice cream he had placed on my table so generously and had immediate flashbacks to grade school ice cream snacks. When I first opened the ice cream I  saw the split between the white like snow vanilla and the what looked like dirt, root beer. I took my first scoop right down the middle of the two flavors as if I were a chemist and had to have the correct formula for an equal ratio of vanilla to root beer. The first bite was a mix of flavors of I couldn’t tell which side was better. As I progressed through the bowl and the ice cream began to liquify the flavors became mixed into a mostly root beer solution. I noticed the root beer part wasn’t relatively close to the taste of an actual root beer float with A&W Root Beer, which was actually quite the let down. Now I have the hankering for a delicious root beer float.

“As if I were chemist…” I like that. And you follow it with liquify and solution. Both sort of scientific. Nice cohesion.

File under “web design”?

   ross fuglsang 09.02.11 @ 8:07 pm