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Photo Story RQ 2/21


I think that this story has “good photos” and “photo stories” because of the large amounts of destruction in the area. I also think natural disasters are very easy to capture photos of emotion or stories that don’t need a caption because the expressions on peoples face and the disaster that is in the photos speaks for themselves.

There were a lot of photos of overhead shots of a large area that showed massive buildings that were turned to rubble. There is a photo in the article that I think is one of my favorites from the album, there is a photo of about 40 Turkish people standing on top of what seems to be nothing but rubble and it is as if they are all looking for something. Come to find out, that was a building that was all of these peoples homes just trying to find their remains.

I think that the most important part about photo stories is that they capture a lot of emotion and these photos do a very good job so that’s why I think I chose It, it captured my eyes and attention the most.

Human Interactions 2/21

Assignment 8 Architecture

Assignment 7 Advertisement

Assignment 6 Sports

Assignment 5 Animal

Assignment 4 Interior

Assignment 3 Laboratory

Assignment 2 On the Job

Assignment 1 Food