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News Comment #3


Trinity Shakespeare was sentenced to 2 years in prison Tuesday morning in Omaha, Nebraska after abandoning her child on the sidewalk moments after giving birth.

Shakespeare had given birth to the child in under 15 degree weather near 24th and P street after running away from the scene and hiding in a backyard nearby. Bystanders who were close to the area and found the baby said that he was exposed to the cold air for about 5 minutes. The baby survived and was taken to a nearby medical center.

At trial, Shakespeare pleaded no contest to intentional child abuse. On top of her 2 year prison sentence, an additional 18 month probation was given to her and is for after her 2 years are up.

Shakespeare’s sister had also stated that she had been homeless for almost 4 years at the time of giving birth. She also used methamphetamine and consumed alcohol during the pregnancy to deal with the pain.

As of right now, the custody of the child still remains in the air as the case has been transferred to the Wind and River Tribal Court in Fort Washakie, Wyoming.

This article does a very nice job at being short and direct. They tell us about all of the facts and details of this story without adding any unnecessary information.

~ by Christian on .

One Response to “News Comment #3”

  1. A little less summary and a little more comment, Christian. Seems like this would be a hard story to report without including bias. How does the writer do?

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