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Lead Assignment


Five people killed amongst plane crash at the Kennedy International Airport.

A total of 45 people were on the plane, of the 45 were two associate professors John Dumont and George Johnson. Both are professors at the University of Backwater, they were returning Thursday night from conference meetings in New York City and were able to escape the crash free from injury.


Students are required to take one Math, Computer Science, and Foreign Language classes to graduate as Backwater University changes graduation requirements.

University President David French believes that, “these new course requirements will allow us to turn out better educated persons.” On campus, only about 15 percent of students took a foreign language course and only about 20 percent took a math course.


22 year old senior homecoming queen and cheerleader Cathy Wensen who is also the daughter of prominent attorney Jim Wensen, receives 3rd DUI in 6 months.

Cathy plans on going to Vanderbilt to study in biology however she might have to put that part of her life on hold for awhile.

~ by Christian on .

One Response to “Lead Assignment”

  1. #1: Five killed IN a plane crash…
    #2: Students WILL BE…
    #3: OK, but leave the parents out.

    OK on organization.

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