What’s “manly”, what’s not for athletes

While reading this article I realized that there are many purposes that LZ Granderson wrote this article. One of the first points he brings up is should a male athlete get more attention because he is good-looking. I believe he opened the article with this statement because society is not use to big male athletes posing for fashion articles or photo shoots to promote something in general. The next controversial issue he brings up is a male athlete leaving for paternity leave during post-season. A man having paternity leave is very different then what people are use to, especially an important athlete. This brings up that his family is more important to him than the sport. I do agree that males should be allowed to have paternity leave. If the man wants to spend time with his family and values it over sports then it should be perfectly okay and the same as when a female takes maternity leave. The next point the author brings up is the controversy of women announcing men’s sports games. Many men make horrible sexist comments like ““Women don’t tell people about how to play football for the same reason I don’t tell people how to give birth,” said Fergrat. This shows that many men expect women to stick to having children and they will be manly and take care of all athletics and working jobs. He points out that men are still trying to keep athletics as “manly” as possible. I think this is because they can not accept change and want control over sports. I think this article has many perfect examples of things that are said and goes on in today’s society with athletics. To me this article was extremely effective because of all the examples it had in it about women staying home to give birth or the problems people have with men doing women’s “jobs”.