Does Marriage Have a Future?

Filed under: Other Assignments — Caitlin at 4:21 pm on Thursday, November 1, 2012

Does marriage have a future?  According to Psychology Today marriage is in sharp decline in most developed countries.  As divorce rates continue to increase, most people are choosing to live together without getting married. Children in the U.S. are greatly affected by this kind of relationship.

Without the commitment of marriage the number of single mothers has seen a significant increase.  When it comes to raising a child this can have an effect on social and educational skills.

In Europe however, this is not the case.  Many people there are also choosing not to get married.  Other are choosing to raise a child on their own and the affect on the children is rarely seen.  Psychology Today believes that soon this style will make its way to the U.S. and child poverty will diminish.

So next time you hear marriage is “just a piece of paper” think about the effect it will have on the children.

Science Story

1 Comment



November 4, 2012 @ 7:24 pm

God closing, Caitlyn. A question lead is the “easy” way. It can work, but can easily be overused.

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