Facebook come out with their first ad – 6

Filed under: Weekly News Comments — Caitlin at 10:21 pm on Thursday, October 4, 2012

The same week Facebook hit one billion users they came out with their first ad.  So far it hasn’t gotten the best reviews.  The big thing they are trying to push in the ad is that Facebook is what connects the whole world.  It brings us together in a way nothing else has.  This is true, but I tend to agree with the critics of the ad.  I was confused as soon as I started watching it. “Chairs are like Facebook,” it says. Ok? Out of all the things they could have compared it to they pick chair?  In my opinion, that wasn’t the best option.  But apparently Facebook doesn’t have to worry just yet about their ad having a big impact on possible new users.  As of right now it is only being showed on Facebook.

I believe this is newsworthy because many people use Facebook.  It is also one of those stupid stories that people only read to get a good laugh.  They put all this money into a new ad after they already have one billion users, and then they only show it on Facebook.  That makes sense.  Most people by now have Facebook if they want it and if they don’t there is obviously a reason for it.  I think this ad was a waste of money and I doubt it will help attract any new users.

Read the full story here.

1 Comment



October 9, 2012 @ 12:20 am

Why does Facebook need to advertise? It’s not a bad ad, it’s just a Wieden ad. It’s the firm responsible for Nike ads. In both they try to elevate a brand to broader themes, such as health, communication, etc. I’m just not sure what audience they’re going for.

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