A Conversation About the Weather

Filed under: Other Assignments — Caitlin at 4:10 pm on Thursday, September 20, 2012

I walked in to Lewis Hall and saw many other students from class on the hunt to find their object.  Cassie Burnside was searching for her nickel when I spotted her talking to the work study student in the lobby.  From the frustrated look on her face I could tell that he didn’t have what she was looking for.  When I walked over, she introduced me to him.  His name was Colin Higgins.  I had never met Colin before but I found out from Cassie that he dates a girl that I know who also goes to Morningside.  So I took the opportunity to ask him about the weather.

“What do you think about the weather today?” I asked. He said in a tone that implied distaste, “The weather is cold.”  Pretty short, sweet, and to the point.  I then proceeded to ask him what his favorite season was.  From his previous answer the next response I got was the last one I expected: Winter.  According to Colin this type of cold weather that we are experiencing today isn’t very fun.  “There needs to be snow.  I like to go snowmobiling, sledding, and skiing.”  When he fully explained his reasoning I began to agree with him.  My favorite season is Fall, but I also enjoy going snowmobiling and sledding.  The cold weather seems to be a lot more bearable when there are fun things to do outside.

1 Comment



September 24, 2012 @ 6:47 pm

OK, Caitlin. What does a “frustrated look” look like? What does Colin look like? It wouldn’t have to be a lot, but one or two details might be all it takes for the reader to get a sense of what he looks like.

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