Ice Cream for Breakfast

Filed under: Other Assignments — Caitlin at 4:15 pm on Thursday, August 30, 2012

The paper was white with blue bunnies.  As I tore it back to reach the treat inside it made a slight ripping noise.  I folded the paper down and took the first bite.  As I bit into the chocolate shell it made a crunching sound.  After my teeth broke through the hard outer shell and the ice cream hit my tongue the hairs on my arms instantly raised.  The very first words out of my mouth were “cold, cold, cold!” because my teeth are sensitive when it comes to eating ice cream.  My second thought: yum.  As I continued to eat and type at the same time my ice cream began to melt and made a bit of a mess.  After the first initial shock of the cold on my tongue wore off I was able to actually taste the ice cream.  Chocolate on vanilla is probably one of my favorite combinations of flavor.  The hard chocolate shell is very sweet but the vanilla ice cream evens out the taste to make for a very delicious treat.  The ice cream continued to disappear and I received another slight surprise when I reached the stick.  This is always my least favorite part about treats like this because it adds a new taste to the mix that gives it a little wood flavor.  After I got used to that I proceeded with devouring the ice cream, and yes, even licking off my fingers when I was finished.

1 Comment



September 4, 2012 @ 1:57 am

Nicely done, Caitlin. Especially the wood part. That always gets me as well. Good use of all the senses.

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