Archive for October 4th, 2010

I’m sent out from my journalism class with the task of finding someone who I hardly know and ask them for a piece of good advice.  I walk the short distance to the library and find Nancy Boyle and decide to ask her for advice since she is a great person to get advice from or just to talk to I’m told.  Nancy works at the Spoonholder in the library and helps make the delicious smoothies and cappuccinos for students looking for a little lift in their studies.  So what advice did Nancy give me?  When asked about it she said, “Look out the windows in any building at Morningside,” Nancy continued, “looking out the windows you get to see the beautiful weather or you might see something outside that is just out of the ordinary, you’ll never miss anything if you look out the windows from time to time.”  Simple advice to get, but it makes sense.  You never appreciate the sights outside until you realize just how wonderful the Morningside campus is from the inside of a building.  You seem to appreciate it a little more I think.

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