The Objects of Morningside – Scavenger Hunt

This morning I approached multiple people requesting for objects out of the ordinary. The interactions and reactions I had were interesting.

The first object I must obtain was a knock knock joke. The first person I walked up to and asked, stood there with a smile, laughed, and said, “sorry man, I would tell you the orange joke, but I got to get to class.” I simply responded, “that’s not a knock knock joke, but I’m sure the class you’re heading to is.” He grinned, fist bumped me, and walked off, presumably to class.

I did not give up on this challenge. I strolled into the Lincoln Center, and I found my next knock knock victim, sitting there at the tables, studying. I opened up by telling a knock knock joke myself, and I asked Ashley Wilcox to tell me one in return. In a shocked manner, she did.

She started, “Why did Sally drop her ice cream cone?”
I responded, “I’m not sure, why?”
“Because she got hit by a car.”
My jaw dropped, “that’s not a knock knock joke!”
She said that the joke wasn’t finished yet. Then she continued, “Why did Sally fall off the swing?”
“Well, I don’t know, this seems like a fictional world… why?”
“Because she lost her arms in the car accident,” Ashley responded, laughing.

On the edge of my seat, I waited for the punch line.

“Knock knock,”
“Who’s there.”
“Not Sally!” Ashley exclaimed.

Ashley commented that this was her favorite knock knock joke, and she was grateful that I asked to have her tell a joke.

My next object might not be as simple, but I knew exactly where to go. I headed straight to the mail room. My eyes were searching wide and far for a thick rubber band.

At last, I make it to the mail room, and I ask Lauretta Shaver, the front desk lady, for a thick rubber band. She laughed and said she would get me one. Walking away from me, she asked, “Do you need big big, or just thick,” she paused, then held up a few rubber bands, “will these work?”

I thanked her for the rubber bands, and went on my merrier way.

1 Comment

  1. fuglsang Says:

    That is the best knock knock joke ever. I actually chuckled. I wish I was better at remembering jokes.

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