Getting to Know Taryn Davidson

Taryn Davidson is a junior at Morningside University. She was able to put herself ahead of graduation pace by completing nearly all of her general education courses as high school dual course classes. She came into college with a whopping 33 credits.

Taryn’s was born nineteen years ago in Lawton, Iowa. This is where she would graduate high school. Just after high school, her family moved to Spirit Lake and has lived in the lakes area for about a year and a half. Her family cherishes the lake life and together they create inseparable bonds on their pontoon. Taryn did not figure all of life out by herself. She has two siblings to look up to and to learn from. This was the building blocks for who Taryn has become today.

As a junior at Morningside University, Taryn is studying marketing and mass communications, with a minor in sports management. She is also a member of the Morningside Mustang cheer team. Taryn mentions that her schedule is often packed to the brim with classes, typically chasing down eighteen credit hours; however, in her free time, she likes to get a good workout in, create sports edits with Adobe Photoshop, and filling out coloring pages on her iPad with Procreate.

Taryn, like many people, loves to travel. When she travels, she gets to see the world through her grey eyes. It is a trait that less than 1% of people have. Unfortunately, she does not get to travel much due to college expenses and being broke.

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