The final Break

There are many things that make football a dangerous sport. The tackles, the equipment, and the huge hits. The question is, are what are we doing about it?

Rules are constantly being changed within the game, but there are never any equipment changes that could possibly prevent injury.

Bill Belichick was a college sophomore at Wesleyan, in middletown, Connecticut. He played the center position for the team and was really good. ESPN explains that, “Lagner played a linebacker. He hated centers.” Lagner would charge into him on long snaps or any snaps for that matter. He was a terror. He didnt care who’s team you were on, he was going to hit you.

One day Lagner ran at Belichick with full force and as he snapped the ball, “BOOM”, his leg snapped as well.

This is just one instance of the life changing injuries that are caused by this sport and there are things that could, and should be done about it. Instead of focusing just on the rules and regulations of the game, spend some time on the actual equipment, states ESPN.

The following year, the center of the same team was hit as well and went out with a career ending concussion. If this is a reoccurring theme of kids have life altering injuries then something else needs to be done.
