Change for the better

“Being the biggest kid wasn’t fun at all, I got made fun of and I felt really lazy. I knew I had to make a change.” My friend Jordan was a big kid growing up and I don’t mean tall. He was taller than most but he weighed in at 210 as a sophomore in high school. “I decided to change because of my brother, he was always a strong influence on me and wanted me to be the best version of myself.” Says Jordan.

Jordans brother is 8 years older so he has always showed Jordan the ropes but the biggest thing that Ricky has taught him was to go to the gym and eating healthy. “Not only is going to the gym necessary but you have to eat well to balance it out.” Ever since then, Jordan has been on a mission to better himself and watch what he eats. Not only does this help him lose weight it also made him feel better about himself.

“My daily diet was always cereal in the morning, snacks, and then for lunch I wouldn’t eat anything healthy but quite the opposite and I remember always having a Dr. Pepper.” Having poor eating habits is the fastest way to become out of shape and since Jordan had poor habits it led to him being the biggest kid in the school.

The key to working out is too have self motivation. You got to want it for yourself no matter what the reason may be. For Jordan his motivation and dedication made him pursue to go to the gym every day. “The key to self fulfillment is through self improvement. I try to improve myself everyday when I go to the gym and be the best I can be.”

“The Journey was long and is still on going as I continue to go to the gym and better myself.” Even though Jordan lost almost all that weight he put it back on but in a much healthier fashion. Jordan now weighs 200 lbs but it’s mostly muscle.

Jordan started making the change second semester in his sophomore year. His doctor told him he needed better/ healthier habits, because Jordan was on his way of becoming obese. “When I first started I absolutely hated it, I felt like I didn’t belong there at first, but since my brother was there it gave me the confidence to be there too. After a while I realized that everyone in the gym wasn’t there to judge me but there for the same reason I was, self fulfillment.”

After listing to his story it was truly inspiring to me because Ricky was looking out after Jordan and making sure that he lives his life up to his full potential. Thanks to Ricky, Jordan no longer has to worry about other peoples opinion about him being overweight. “It hurts being made fun of, especially if it’s something that you can control.”-Jordan

“You have to see working out as a marathon and not a sprint, way too often I see people treat it as a sprint and when they don’t achieve what they wanted quickly, they just give up. Seeing it as a marathon kind of humbles you and teaches you that you need to have patience to work out.” In my opinion Jordans statement is so true because like most things in life, you have to wait and have the patience for success. and working out is a perfect example. There are days where people will think it is pointless to go because they see no improvement. But the more you push yourself and the harder you work, the happier you are going to be with yourself at the end of the day.

Jordan is so happy for where he is at and he is so thankful that his brother showed him the right way to treat your body. His journey from where he started was long but with dedication and patience, you can achieve your dream body.

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