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Water on anything but Earth seems far fetched to a normal person. But scientists from NASA has discovered ice and evidence of water in the bottom of a crater on the lunar side of the moon. The side that is lit up. This is a big discovery because we weren’t sure if water was on another object besides Earth. Life as we know it needs water in order to survive so if there is water on the moon there is potential for water on other planets. Finding water on the moon is big because it was always thought to be dry and free of water.

Another big discovery in space is the asteroid Psyche and with a diameter of about 140 miles, it is roughly the same length as Massachusetts. This asteroid is special because its estimated value is to be $10,000 quadrillion. This is more than the entire Earths economy combined. This big asteroid is located in the astroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and is one of the biggest asteroids in the belt. This big rock is made up of Iron and Nicole and even just .1% of this massive rock can be worth millions of dollars. NASA is setting up a rover to go up and investigate the astroid and see if they can discover any secrets that it has about our planet and other.

Coming back down to Earth we look at the election. This election is defiantly one for the record books with it being too close to call in 3 different states. (Nevada, Georgia and Michigan). As of right now Joe Biden is winning the popular vote but as we know back in 2016 so did Hillary Clinton. But the popular vote just means the electoral college for the state will either be Democrat or Republican. It is a race to 270 electoral college votes and Joe Biden is in the lead with 256 to President Trump who is at 213. Many people are nervous both ways about Joe winning and about Trump winning. But one thing to remember we are the United States of America. Not DIVIDED. This race is defiantly one for the record books.

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