Is the debate canceled?

The debate that was scheduled for next week has just been announced that it will be held virtually instead of in person. Originally the debate was supposed to be in Miami Florida in a town hall.

Since the debate is now being held virtually Joe Biden and his campaign have agreed but Trump and his campaign said no. “I’m not going to do a virtual debate, it’s a waist of my time” says president Trump. There is no law that states president Trump has to participate so he doesn’t have to show up.

Part of the reason why president Trump won’t participate is because they would be able to stop his audio whenever they want so he can’t interrupt. In someways this would be a good thing because there would be fewer interruptions and the debate would move more smoothly.

In my opinion I think the debate should be unperson but since Trump has covid its for the safety of everyone to have the debate virtual. I think that it’s fine if he doesn’t want to do it because it can be hard having a debate over the computer. However he could have been nicer and respect the debate some more

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