Worst debate ever!

Last night was the first presidential debate, and a chance for America to get a first look of what our future might look like. Instead we just got a couple of guys in their 70s arguing like babies. “Will you just shut up, man” says Joe after Trump interrupted him for the 100th time. No one could get a full sentence out without being interrupted especially Joe.

Donald gets a D for a grade for his debate because if his lack of focus on the questions, not able to let Biden finish, and for making rude and mean remarks towards Joe during or after he talked.

Joe gets a D as well because of his inability to focus, inability to stay on topic, lost a lot of possible voters, and not letting president Trump finish at times.

Overall I think it is terrible that this is the best America has to offer and I find it quite scary that I seem more mature than our current president ( maybe because if I debate I listen to what the other party has to say but that’s just me). America seems like it may be in trouble for the next four years but who knows, maybe future debates may change my mind, probably not, but maybe.

CNN news


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