Sharing The Love

Morningside College sweethearts have been sharing the love this month. We have had multiple couples share their love story with us and we would like to share them with you.

The couples have shared with us how they met. Along with photos of of them back then and now.

Screen Shot 2015-02-11 at 11.22.24 AMTim and I met when I was on my college visit in 2007. The volleyball girls took me to “The Football House.” That’s where it all started! I’ve always had a thing for quarterbacks! After meeting, we stayed in touch on social media. Tim had no idea I decided to come to Morningside College because of him! Fall of ’07 Tim and I would bump into one another on campus, sporting events and parties! We started dating in November 2007, we were married in May 2011; and now in February of 2015, we have a 13 month old daughter who is our whole world! Thank you Mside for helping me find my love!

 Christina Richard ’11


Screen Shot 2015-02-11 at 11.26.56 AMJason and I met in 2000 while he was at Morningside – I was headed to UNI but after coming home every weekend to see him I knew it was short lived. He persuaded me to transfer to Morningside and the rest is history! We lived in Omaha for 10 years, had 3 boys there, and then came back to the Sioux City area and welcomed our little girl. We talk about Morningside often with our kiddos and would love for them to attend some day!

Cheri Gehling ’03

Screen Shot 2015-02-11 at 11.29.57 AM Tyler and I met my freshman year (2004) in college choir and we will celebrate our 5th year of marriage this June with our two little girls age 3 and 9 months!

Amanda Schnuckel ’08

Screen Shot 2015-02-11 at 11.31.52 AM10390340_1018893538138753_7780635724192198517_n

First time I noticed Marilyn, she was working in the Commons on the food service line. They say the best way to a man’s heart…nope, it was the mini skirt! I asked her to join me at an “ice cream social”. And, that was that. She is wearing her DZ pledge beanie in the “then” pic. Now pic with our daughter Marissa.

Charlie Leissler IV ‘ 75

Screen Shot 2015-02-11 at 11.31.39 AMRay and I met in Morningside marching band in 1980 and started dating the next spring. We were married in 1984 and have two grown daughters – one is a 2010 Morningside grad. We enjoy attending Homecoming festivities whenever we are able to make the trip.

 Jan Harris ‘ 83

Screen Shot 2015-02-11 at 11.41.48 AMAndy and I met in the 2006-07 school year. We were both members of the track team. After almost 8 years together, 4.5 years married, and surviving our 1.5 year old twins, we couldn’t be happier.

Jordan Edison ’09

Screen Shot 2015-02-11 at 11.44.36 AMChris and I met at Morningside in December of 2006. He graduated in 2008 and I graduated in 2010. We got married October 1, 2011. We now live in Des Moines with our 5 month old baby girl.

Katie Rae Lee ’10

Screen Shot 2015-02-11 at 11.45.54 AMAustin and I met during RA training at the YMCA ropes course in 2009. He proposed to me in front of the pergola in 2011 and we got married in 2012. This past December we welcomed our handsome little boy into the world. Thank goodness for Morningside College, where we fell in love!

Kelsey Todd ’12

Screen Shot 2015-02-11 at 11.47.48 AMCameron Scott and I met during my freshman summer at Mside College in 1997. He was going to be a junior, and I, a sophomore. Cameron played basketball for Morningside College. We dated all through the rest of our college years. Cameron graduated in 1999, and I graduated in 2000. We then married in 2003. We now have three boys together and continue to live in the Sioux City area.

Nicole Scott ’00

Screen Shot 2015-02-11 at 11.49.03 AMJason and I met at freshman moving in weekend in 2006. We started dating shortly after. We were married in 2010 after graduation and Jason joined the military in 2011. I have stayed in MN while he was stationed in many different places. He has re enlisted for another four years and I will finally join him in May. We are so grateful for our time at Morningside, and can’t wait to visit again with a family.

Phia Magill ’10

Screen Shot 2015-02-11 at 11.51.43 AMI met Ashley(Danner) Heine freshman year in Professor Reid’s The Examined Life. Ash and I had many long, late night conversations under the clock tower. We officially started dating at the Homecoming dance, October 3rd, 2005, I purposed October 3rd, 2008. Keeping the Homecoming tradition alive we got married October 3rd, 2009 and stopped by Taste of Morningside and the clock tower. Now, after almost a decade together we always celebrate our anniversary at Morningside underneath the clocktower. When it works out that Homecoming falls on the weekend of October 3rd, it’s an added bonus, like last year when our youngest daughter got to celebrate her first Homecoming on our anniversary.

Russell Heine ’09

Published in: on February 11, 2015 at 11:58 AM Comments (0)

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