Brandyn Clair

Brandon Clare worked at a Turkey farm that is purely for meat with contracts with Tyson. The day after His late football game Brandyn Had to go in to work a 14-hour shift.

Brandon was expecting a normal day at work till he got the call from his boss.

His boss called and states “come in or not if you do you will be working for 14 hours”

On the farm they are raising 100,000 Birds. They day Brandyn was going and got the phone called he found out that 13,000 birds died.

“All I did was walk around and pick up birds that were dead” -Brandon Clare

The job was strictly a Late Highschool job early college. Brandyn is currently employed at Casey’s making their hot food. He starts his job early and spends an hour and a half making all the donuts and then worked the rest on the other food.