New York Times Article News Comment #1

COVID has affected everyone throughout the world and is still effecting people today. With the potential of a COVID surge this winter F.D.A has pushed for new boosters that have a mix of the previous shot’s formula and a new formula that is targeting the Omicron Sub-variants. They want people to get the booster, but there will be difficulty getting people to come get the shots. Most people believe that COVID is gone or no longer threatening, but there is still a threat with “fewer than 40,000 people hospitalized with the virus.” Though the death numbers have remained somewhat flat it is just means the vaccines and booster are working.

Biden administration compared the booster shots with the flu shot since the COVID boosters are updated to prevent surges just like the yearly flu shot. The booster shots may become a new shot to take yearly with the flu shot. Eventually it will become a normal thing to get at the doctors office, but right now people may ignore the boosters since they believe COVID is gone or not threatening to them.