Weekly News Comments

A bizarre little marsupial is making us all rethink the meaning of life. In the Article, These Marsupials Drop Dead After Mating, by Annie Roth states, “Male kalutas, small mouselike marsupials found in the arid regions of Northwestern Australia, are semelparous, meaning that shortly after they mate, they drop dead.” They bring a new meaning to the saying live fast and die young. These adorable little furballs die after mating due to, to much stress and hormone imbalances. These tiny marsupials live only ten months before they are old enough to mate. Ten months is a very short life span for anything to live. They could live longer if they chose not to mate. This makes me rethink the purpose of life. For these creatures, their purpose is to reproduce and that is it. They will never meet their offspring, never live a long life, never know a future outside of what is destined for them. It makes me at least grateful for the chance of being able to meet my children and not having to make that choice. The choice between never procreating and living or procreating and dying a painful death. The article also talks about how a mammal this small usually won’t live past a year anyways so the men would likely die soon after the mating season anyway. This raises another question on whether or not is an extra couple month worth not procreating. To these animals it is not, they have decieded they would rather live fast and die young.

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One Response to Weekly News Comments

  1. fuglsang says:

    It’s cool that this article sparked some philosophical thinking, Anna. Do you think that was its only purpose? Include in the discussion aspects of what we’re doing in class: lead, audience, focus, news value, etc.

    After this week you should be able to dicuss the sources and questions asked.

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