Multimedia Examples_Comm.444

It’s ten minutes long, but I think it brings up a really good issue that is evolving within families today. CLICK HERE and then watch “Living With Herbie.” It’s 10mins long, but this is the kind of impact I think of when I think of evolving “photojournalism.” It’s informing, bringing up awareness and new thoughts for families to take into consideration. You can also watch the video “Sandwich Generation,” which is a multimedia project done a year prior on the same family, and how they were doing living with Herbie.

This one is shorter, and doesn’t have film footage. It is strictly just photos and voice overs. I think I would like to experiment first like this one. I would eventually like to get to the point in which I could do both video and photo. CLICK HERE to see these real live Ghostbusters in action!

Check out the amateur one on Pippa Letsky as well!