Saturday October 06th 2012, 7:44 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

In this reading it talked about how many schools are loosing the creativity in their students. Now a days it seems like most schools want you to tell them the right answer wether or not it is what you think about he topic. In some schools they are taking away things such as art or music because of a loss of interest or loss of funding. For those kids that strive in these environments it causes them to not display their creativity to others. I agree with Robinson in saying that creativity needs to be kept in education or we will not thrive as a country. If we stop others from doing what they love or something that will help our future as a whole we need to give them the resources to succeed. When it comes to schools cutting programs like choir or art classes I think it is an outrage and could easily be fixed if we had our priorities straight. In high school sports always seem to have the upper hand and in many cases have a much larger budget to spend on new uniforms and such things. I personally was a athlete throughout my high school career but I dont think that we should take money away from the arts just so we can get a new wardrobe every year. And finally I think schools need to find a way to incorporate more creative activities inside the classroom so we can strive to do our best. Just saying the right answer most likely wont give us a job in the future but if we can be creative and share our own ideas and thoughts others may see us as more of an asset. Being creative is not a bad thing, it allows you to be unique in your own way and show others more about yourself.


I agree that cutting arts programs should not happen and that creativity should be promoted more.

Comment by    Katie 10.06.12 @ 7:54 pm